lgfrie Member

  • Re: Time to up my calories?

    I've increased my calories three times over the last 14 months, after starting with a 2 lb/week goal (and 100+ pounds to lose). I increased twice by 100 calories and once by 50. Honestly, each time w…
  • Re: Is this normal? BP question

    Sure, you can get substantial improvements in BP via weight loss, exercise, or a combination of both, and it can happen quickly. I don't remember the exact numbers, but I started dieting at 330 pound…
  • Re: Fasting

    I agree. This chart, which once seemed so useful, now gets plastered excessively all over discussions where it is barely, if at all, relevant, and has the effect of stopping discussion in its tracks.…
  • Re: How has your weight changed over your adulthood?

    Short answer: 5.33 lbs per year. Longer answer: I was in GREAT shape in grad school, when I was working out with weights and doing cardio constantly to avoid studying, and also because the university…
  • Re: Fasting

    I don't honestly get anything out of the various IF books, of which I've read all of them. All the rigamarole about insulin levels and leptin modulation through fasting and all that. BUT... I have be…