Chieflrg Member

  • Re: Lifting glove advice

    It's a specific event for when they compete in their sport.. There also might perform duck walks, suitcase carry, and yokes during comps.. All have simular demands and would have some carry over to a…
  • Re: Lifting glove advice

    Essentially doing farmer's carries makes you better at farmer carries, not deadlift grip compared to actually performing the deadlift grip. The specificity isn't very close at all because of how, whe…
  • Re: Lifting glove advice

    No, because the goal in my example is improving a skill not strength specifically. We have to look at each individual and the goal or task at hand carefully and select the best route relative to that…
  • Re: Lifting glove advice

    Better than more deadlifts? Please post both training blocks with farmer carries and without notes of how you came to this conclusion. The point you and others are missing is I'm not saying farmer ca…
  • Re: Lifting glove advice

    It doesn't translate with specificity. The key word that is being overlooked. If your deadlidt grip is slipping, we don't take a deadlift slot out and add farmer carries slot as a default if our goal…