Slacker16 Member

  • Re: Height-ism?

    My opinion comes from being an immigrant, having lived in multiple countries (among which the US) as an adult and having spent most of my career in a field where people frequently move around the wor…
  • Re: Height-ism?

    At the risk of starting a "too hot for MFP" discussion... Race and culture are really not synonymous. A Finn and a Spaniard would have much, MUCH less in common than two Americans of which …
  • Re: Stop counting calories - Harvard Health

    This is almost certainly true, and could drastically skew results in short-term studies. If it weren't, there wouldn't periodically be threads about people not losing weight, or weight loss stopping …
  • Re: Education overhaul

    Off-topic, but what you're describing was actually very rare in human history. Until the mid-20th century, having an able-bodied adult member of the household that didn't contribute to its income was…
  • Re: Education overhaul

    A radical change that could be interesting would be... removing PE classes completely and instead having it so kids have to bring in attestations that they do sports in an organized setting outside o…