HeidiCooksSupper Member

  • Re: Really swollen stomach

    Could be bloating due to gas. Did you eat anything different? It could be hormonal if you are a cycling female. It could be some other reason. It could be constipation. If it doesn't go away after a …
  • Re: Food Scale

    You don't have to eat less volume, just fewer calories. There's even a thread for volume eaters somewhere here in MFP. Try not to think so much of cutting things out as replacing things. Replace rice…
  • Re: My fitness pal & WW

    Having done both WW and MFP over the years, MFP has certain advantages. One, it's free -- and even if you pay for the premium membership it's dirt cheap, especially compared to WW. It has no weekly m…
  • Re: Eliminating certain foods

    I can't just dole out two cookies or one serving of chips to myself from a big bag -- yet -- so I don't have them in the house. I spent too long eating a sleeveful of crackers or a pint of ice cream …
  • Re: 5 Months In...No Weight Loss?

    What everybody said about your body changing and maturing is correct. At 5'4", 130 pounds is healthy. Don't think that the magic number of your teens is where you should be as an adult. Your tee…