mskimee Member

  • Re: You know what I hate!!

    Wait, what?? Cups....I can't even.... Or the "here is a photo of me at 110lb, am I slim or should I try for 105lb?" Please, some of us would kill for 150lb and 110lb is an unreachable dream…
  • Re: You know what I hate!!

    This!! And also "But its EASY for you to lose weight. I can't do it" No it's not easy, I bust my butt in the gym and I refuse the cake 5 days a week. It's *kitten* hard!! Don't down play my…
  • Re: You know what I hate!!

    Recipes that don't give specific measurements!! No offence to the Americans on here, but what the **** is a cup?? How big of a cup? And a "dash" of soy sauce could be anything from a teaspo…
  • Re: You know what I hate!!

    I'm saving this for future reference (and them probably gonna lose it the second I need it) Thank you!! :)
  • Re: You know what I hate!!

    When people post their entire day on social media as if Facebook etc is a personal diary! "Oh my god, what a hard day, I ate breakfast, went to work, walked the dog and then cooked dinner for th…