mskimee Member

  • Re: Genetics and weight

    Both of my parents (and my brother) are "big" in every sense. Tall, heavy etc. I'm 5ft tall and was a heavy teen, but lost the weight. My point is I wasn't heavy cos of my genetics, I was h…
  • Re: The Urban Food Desert Myth

    I 100% agree. To go into Tesco and fill a basket with fresh fruit/veg is gonna cost more. Lean meat is always more expensive than high fat. One example for my family is fajitas! We love them but they…
  • Re: The Urban Food Desert Myth

    But people don't always apply basic math. If you're on a low income, feeding your family 3 meals a day often won't come down to basic math calorie wise. It comes down to having to give them food but …
  • Re: Supermarket Frustration

    Uck, know what you mean!! Sausage rolls, scotch eggs, sandwiches! The world is not geared towards good food on the go. :-(
  • Re: Will a cheat day hurt?!

    I use to have a cheat day every week, but I ended up eating my entire calorie deficit for the week and didn't lose for a few weeks. Now I have a day that I allow myself a few extra treats, but still …