mskimee Member

  • Re: You know what I hate!!

    Recipes that don't give specific measurements!! No offence to the Americans on here, but what the **** is a cup?? How big of a cup? And a "dash" of soy sauce could be anything from a teaspo…
  • Re: You know what I hate!!

    When people post their entire day on social media as if Facebook etc is a personal diary! "Oh my god, what a hard day, I ate breakfast, went to work, walked the dog and then cooked dinner for th…
  • Iced Tea Recipe

    I fell in love with Iced Tea last summer, but all the shop bought ones seem to be really high calories and recipes online have loads of sugar or call for special teas etc. Can anyone recommend a good…
  • Unrealistic Portion Sizes

    I notice a lot of the "Portion Sizes" on certain things are just odd. Like you have a bag of crisps thats 220g, but the portion size is 35g. So the bag contain 5 and a bit servings. Is this…
  • Re: So. What's the worst weight loss myth?

    I heard one off a friend this weekend: If you eat an apple and drink a glass of warm water with 100ml Apple Cider Vinegar in it before bed, your body turns acidic and your fat dissolves....