avskk Member

  • Re: School Food Policies

    I think the school's laser focus on one snack is misguided. I believe in Ellyn Satter's division of food responsibility when it comes to kids -- the adults are responsible for presenting food options…
  • Re: What do you do when

    Sometimes you can't turn off the "want more" feeling. You just have to sit with it. Examine it. Really feel it. Literally tell yourself, in your head, "I am feeling ravenous right now.…
  • Re: 649lbs and 3790 calories

    This gave me a total illumination moment regarding my own food issues and behaviors. "Obsessive, anxiety-based behavior" is such an accurate and useful description, and it's a way for me to…
  • Re: Proccessed Foods

    Yep, 778 terrific, reasonable, intelligent words. Not wanting to read and understand words is what leads people to be terrified of "chemicals" or "processing," instead of reading …
  • Re: What does a day of eating look like for you?

    Right now, not losing, not tracking, just working on intuitive eating, my day looks like this: Breakfast (around 7AM) -- Two sausage patties (three to four ounces total), a slice of sourdough toast w…