avskk Member

  • Re: tips on suppressing appetite?

    Honestly, looking to suppress your appetite is way less effective than a) finding things to eat that will satisfy your appetite while fitting into your calorie goals, and b) learning to sit with and …
  • Re: Feeling discouraged

    Honestly, you kind of just have to decide which thing you want more: losing weight or "just eating a dang meal without freaking." You're here because you (like me... and like almost all of …
  • Re: Does it matter that I am eating little?

    No, it's not okay, and I think you know it -- otherwise you wouldn't be preemptively trying to justify it with all the stuff about exercise and energy levels and how you "feel great." Your …
  • Re: Are you on any diet plan?

    CICO, eat some vegetables every day, get some protein, have some healthy fats. I'm a stubborn jerk; if I tell myself I can't have certain things I'll eat nothing but those things, and if I tell mysel…
  • Re: Military diet

    Being fat isn't an emergency and, if it were, fad dieting isn't the solution. There's nothing special about the "military" diet (which isn't military, as someone else pointed out).