Cherimoose Member

  • Re: Beginner strength training question!

    Either one, but do abs at the end of the workout, and compound exercises before isolation exercises. Google those terms if they're new to you. Which program are you following?
  • Re: Bikini Body Workout

    Well, aside that getting in your best shape in 4 weeks is obviously a ridiculous claim.. fat loss is mostly about taking in fewer calories than you burn.. not the specific type of exercise you do. Th…
  • Re: My legs are on FIRE

    You're probably wearing shoes with a raised heel, which most shoes have. That tightens the calves and makes them work harder when walking, and it also stresses the ankle. Switch to "zero heel&qu…
  • Re: throwing scales away?

    Happiness is hard to quantify. Plus it's not always correlated to weight loss. Many people do focus on "non-scale victories" (NSV), like climbing stairs with ease, or doing your first pull-…
  • Re: Stretching Routine

    I stretch my problem areas a few times a day, since the effects of stretching don't last long. What i suggest to you is identify which specific muscles are tight, and stretch them for 30+ seconds eve…