fiddletime Member

  • Re: Sober October 2017

    You’re doing great! I also had several drinks this month, which is up from 0 last month. But it’s much better than where I was a few months ago with daily wine. If it were easy, we wouldn’t need a th…
  • Re: I keep Binging

    I'd consider just maintaining for another few months. What does that mean for you? Once you get a handle on that, then lose the last 25 pounds. You've done great, but for many maintaining is the key …
  • Re: Sober October 2017

    My son, who stopped drinking and inspired me to do the same, said that before he stopped he thought everyone drank. After he stopped he realized that many many people don't drink. I've noticed the sa…
  • A first for me!

    I did my first spin class tonight. It was hard but I got through it. I use a stationary bike at home 35 min every morning but I can't stand up when biking because it isn't sturdy enough. It's fun to …
  • Re: Sober October 2017

    I don't want the "day after" and the "night of". Slipped one night in the past 3 months. Refused some scotch last weekend from a friend, at a weekend get away. I ate way too much …