Aaron_K123 Member

  • Re: Peloton ad

    <shrug> stock prices are reactionary and ephemeral, what matters is their sales and quarterly reports. If their sales increase their stock will increase over time. This sort of reactionary nega…
  • Re: !!!Gallon of Water a Day for Two Weeks, GAINED weight !!!

    Why drink that much water? Just curious as to your reasoning. How much water you drink will have basically zero influence on your percentage bodyfat which I assume is what you care about. Drinking a …
  • Re: Peloton ad

    The point of advertisement isn't to be in tune with the culture and blandly polite, the point of advertisment is to get people to talk about the product and repeatedly drop the brand name all over th…
  • Re: Yes And No

    This is probably a semantic thing but if being "body positive" means being comfortable and happy with your body in its current state then I would argue that actually you can't be body posit…
  • Re: Why Aspartame Isn't Scary

    Oh doooon't get me started. I work at a non-profit infectious disease research institute that focuses on vaccine and drug development for the treatment of diseases of the developing world. I will fli…