eleanorhawkins Member

  • Re: Vegetarian diet

    I am vegetarian (have been since birth) and have lost 30kg over the last year and a half just by careful calorie control. CICO (calories in calories out) really DOES work but you have to be accurate …
  • Re: 1 week in and need help

    I agree, I found completely banning anything was the best way to make me crave it and hate myself and the entire world because I couldn't eat it. I eat pizza, icecream, etc. etc. I just make it fit i…
  • Re: Weight loss for people 5’3 and under

    Just under 5'2 here, I agree it sucks being so short as we get fewer calories. I lost 28 kilos (around 62lb I think) over about a year. I started on 1200 calories and was miserable and hated the enti…
  • Time to share

    I hate photos so have been avoiding doing this for a few months now but think it's probably time to share, if my story can encourage anyone then it'll be worth it. My lifestyle change began on Januar…
  • Re: My new morning anthem

    Snap! Most of my running playlist is Imagine Dragons stuff, but Whatever It Takes is 'the one'! The sight of me dripping sweat running along the river bank singing "whip, whip, run me like a rac…