Aaron_K123 Member

  • Re: Calories in vs out

    Weight loss is only "one half of the equation of health" so in that way calories in vs calories out is only one-half of the equation of health. Also your bodies weight is comprised of more …
  • Re: Peloton ad

    Yeah but I'm pretty sure the median would be happier if they made a bit more money.
  • Re: Peloton ad

    Really? Is that statistic for the United States or the world as a whole? Because assuming a two adult household where both adults work that would be only 32.5k a year per adult which is not even a do…
  • Re: Let's talk about ghosting.

    You would consider that text satisfactory and would consider that to be sufficient closure? I am admittedly assuming that those that find closure important would want something more meaningful or int…
  • Re: Peloton ad

    No worries. No I accept the median income figures and I also accept that as someone who lives in one of the highest cost of living areas I have bias that makes me feel like 75k is not a lot of money …