BoxerBrawler Member

  • Re: The honest truth!!

    Yeah I find that a lot of people who have issues with weight actually know exactly what they need to do to lose that weight. I also find that most people fitting that description just need a push in …
  • Re: Pro Tip: Just Don't Drink

    Agree. I gave up drinking several years ago. Once I truly got fit and lost all of my weight my body just legit couldn't handle it any longer. I swear I'd have a few sips of wine and I'd be completely…
  • Re: Ladies squat and deadlift?

    My heaviest squat right now is 125 LBs but I am prepping for a competition so I'm doing 4x12s right now, that weight will go up over the next couple of months as my reps come down. My heaviest deadli…
  • Re: Your Daily Routine

    3:00 AM - Morning calisthenics (Jumping jacks / high knees / squats / push ups / abs) Put my breakfast/lunch/snack together for work. Wake up dog and take him out, play with him, feed him, cuddle him…
  • Re: What are your favorite breakfast meals?

    So this will sound a bit odd but hear me out... I like to make scrambled egg whites and mix in a table spoon of nut butter, and sprinkle cinnamon on top. It tastes EXACTLY like French Toast... only w…