Cherimoose Member

  • Re: Large Boob Question

    Weight loss should definitely reduce or eliminate the pain, especially if coupled with core & posture work like pilates & yoga, plus a good strength training program (Starting Strength, Stron…
  • Re: help! lifting @ PF.

    Cable machines are essentially freeweights too, since the path of motion isn't restricted by the machine, so you're training coordination & stabilization like freeweights.. and sometimes even mor…
  • Re: Basic fitness minimums?

    Yes, a pair of adjustable 25 lb. DBs is about that price, maybe even less at thrift shops, craigslist, etc. That will give a base level of strength, but choose one that you can add more weight later …
  • Re: Workout outfit

    You need a more exciting workout. Just saying. As a guy, i don't devote a whole lot of attention to choosing workout clothes. These seem stylish to me. :+1:
  • Re: need help and advice

    Maybe boost your mood by making a long list of all the abilities and skills you still have left. It's hard to feel down and grateful at the same time. :+1: Fat loss is solely from a calorie deficit, …