need help and advice

Angief05 Posts: 102 Member
edited November 2017 in Fitness and Exercise
First off some background info.
I started my weight loss journey 3 years or so now and did very well loosing almost 100 lbs and was within 15 lbs of my goal. Then this summer I had a major injury doing a new beach body workout called Core De Force. I pulled the hamstring in my left leg and also did major damage to both arms/shoulders due to air kicking and punching. My leg healed within a couple months from extreme physio but it is now November and my arms are still not great. I just finally got some more tests done on my shoulders as they were just not getting any better, and my right arm the scans showed bad inflammation of my shoulder and longhead bicep, my left arm showed severe tendonitis and a slight tear in the bicep. So I am still unable to do any upper body workouts except to try and push through the exercises the Doctor gave me. I am able to do lower body exercise now but this is my struggle. I am unsure what would be good to do besides just walking.
To go walking now with our weather cooling off can be bit challenging due to icy roads.
I have always worked out in my home as we live in the country and to get into the city to a gym is just not possible.

I have gained back about 25lbs since not being able to workout. Yes, my nutrition hasn't been the best because I have been feeling so down and I turn to food when get like this.

I have been put on light duty at work, no lifting heavy or over my head. I am also a volunteer fire fighter/first responder and I have had to take a leave from that too right now because of my injury

I know I need to get back on track before I sabotage all my hard work.

So any help or suggestions would be great as I am getting very frustrated and down.


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Angief05 wrote: »

    I have gained back about 25lbs since not being able to workout. Yes, my nutrition hasn't been the best because I have been feeling so down and I turn to food when get like this.

    Maybe boost your mood by making a long list of all the abilities and skills you still have left. It's hard to feel down and grateful at the same time. :+1:

    Fat loss is solely from a calorie deficit, so choose to limit portions and you're back on track.

    For exercise, maybe do some Leslie Sansone walking videos.. or climb stairs.. or do bodyweight squats & lunges.. or ride an exercise bike (or convert a regular bike into one).. or put on music and dance around the house.

    You tore your biceps punching air??? Do you happen to take any meds that might have weakened your tendons/muscles?
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    So sorry to hear about your injuries!

    #1 - I think the first priority is to get your nutrition and deficit under control.. You can't control how fast you heal (since you already saw a Dr, and are following your Dr's orders and doing PT, not much else you can do there but be patient)... but you are not limited on how you control the diet... it's up to you to make those changes, just like you made the changes that helped you lose 100 lb!

    #2 - Your mind will catch up when you start progressing, so I wouldn't worry too much about how you "feel" - get busy with what you can do. "Where the body leads, the mind will follow".
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    edited November 2017
    Cherimoose wrote: »
    You tore your biceps punching air??? Do you happen to take any meds that might have weakened your tendons/muscles?

    Not hard to do by hyper-extending at the elbow at full speed... especially if the workout included backfist type of movements. This is one reason I am not a big fan of martial arts being mixed in with fitness programs ... unless people are taught proper technique, injuries are likely.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,694 Member
    I've been dealing with a bad shoulder since last winter - probably torn rotator cuff and/or bursitis. I can run and do stationary bike without any pain. You should be able to do either, or to walk or do Leslie Sansome type videos as well. A lot of aerobic or dance videos should be okay, as long as you modify the upper body part so you aren't making your injury worse. You might be able to do some Pilates and yoga, focusing on your lower body. That will help the hamstring as well. It's good that you are doing PT since one of the issues with shoulders is that if you baby them too much, you can end up with a frozen shoulder, which takes a year or so to rehab.