Danp Member

  • Re: Can't do negative calorie adjustment?

    That sounds correct. MFP won't let you use the tool to justify irresponsible and dangerous behaviour so sets a minimum on how low it will let you set your calorie target.
  • Re: More calories when sick?

    An even better idea is to eat sufficient calories to begin with so you're not compromising your immune system and making yourself susceptible to illness in the first place. Under eating also leaves y…
  • Re: Intermittent Fasting Support

    I'd suggest that if you need support to stick to an IF way of eating then IF might not be the right approach for you. Some people (myself included) find that some kind of restricted eating pattern ma…
  • Re: Calories While Pregnant

    I'm a dude so maybe I'm talking out of school here but while pregnant shouldn't you be focused on growing a healthy human being rather than calorie restrictions?
  • Re: Intermittent fasting

    What's more MFP doesn't care if you close out the day either. All it does is pop a message in your private feed and give you a rather meaningless 'if you ate like today' message. It really serves no …