EZDUZIT68 Member

  • Re: Family bringing me down :/

    By making the hard choices, sucking it up and doing what has to be done. If your mom isn't being supportive enough for you, that's sad and I'm sorry - but you have the ultimate responsibility for mak…
  • Re: tartar on dogs teeth

    Try DentaStix - my dog just got back from the vet and he has practically zero tarter. He has one a day. And your vet is a crook for asking more than a couple hundred bucks for a dental cleaning.
  • Re: RIP Chuck Berry

    Completely understandable - funny thing is that my initial reaction was feeling sad about the loss, but reflecting on his treatment of people in general I started feeling conflicted as well. Some wou…
  • RIP Chuck Berry

    A Rock Icon who's influence changed the musical landscape forever.
  • Re: A song & memory it holds ....

    Won't Get Fooled Again - The Who On the Cross-Country team In High School, we used have meets at this one park where we would drift away from the pack after the race started - into the woods where in…