ElioraFR Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    With the vaccination distribution priorities in the EU I think Covid 19 disease won’t be enough of a problem for me to bother about by the time I’m in line for it. 😄
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    In these times possibly a shy compulsive handwasher will survive better than many other less careful people. I feel bad that children must go back to school and workers must sit in rooms with other p…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    All of these beautiful animals are a great loss to our planet, undoubtedly. I would not miss rats, bats, mosquitoes or rattlesnakes, and possibly water moccasins myself. Nor would I miss Ebola or any…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Mr. Phiferman, I want you to know I eat yogurt and as many probiotic foods as possible every day. I still disagree that Coronaviruses, especially those found in bats of Asia and Africa are helpful in…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I can only speak for myself, not the words of all grandparents: I would rather live isolated than die from hugging my relatives. I'm not, unfortunately, one of the priviledged, so I can't speak for t…