Elystriel Member

  • Re: Most beautiful place you've ever visited??

    Easter Island. I felt like every time I looked in another direction, there was something even more breathtaking to see. When you can take a picture like that with a cell phone, you know you're some p…
  • Re: What's Your Most Recent NSV

    I sat in the seats at my university's theater tonight without having to squeeze myself between the armrests. My hips didn't even reach the edges of the seat, so I had enough room to put my arms besid…
  • Re: What's Your Most Recent NSV

    Two big ones: 1) I crossed my legs while sitting. Like, proper, thigh over thigh crossing. I literally can not remember the last time I could do that, and it just happened naturally while I was on on…
  • 200-Day Streak Update

    I made a post here on my 100th day of logging to share my reflections and succuss. It has now been 200 days of logging faithfully, and I’m happy to report that my weight loss journey is still going b…
  • Re: Skinny cheeks?

    Right there with you! I knew that I would start having loose skin during the process of losing weight, I just wish it was somewhere less "face-adjacent". It bugs me every time I see it in t…