HollyPFlax Member

  • Re: ACV

    I have had a lot of success with Apple Cider Vinegar. We eat a lot of fruit in my house and it's summer, which means fruit flies. Little cups of ACV and a drop of dish soap will attract and trap all …
  • Re: Women Who Lift

    I'll be your friend! And any other women who lift, feel free to add me as well.I started lifting for the first time ever 6 months ago. I lift with my fiancé and there are mostly men at my gym. It wou…
  • Re: How to tell yourself you aren’t fat anymore

    This is something that takes a long time. I've been in maintenance for over a year now and still have days where I'll approach a mirror expecting to see a bigger me. Overall, I have adjusted to the c…
  • Re: Fitbit sync issues?

    Mine synced once in the middle of the day yesterday, so I was able to get the weekend and half of yesterday's data. And then it stopped. I like knowing exactly how many additional calories I can eat.…