JaxxieKat Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    While her behavior was exceedingly rude, I'd caution people against making snap judgments about what folks have in their carts. I belong to a large family and I'm currently the only one making grocer…
  • Re: How Are You Staying on Track During All This?

    I've abstained from buying wine, although I've done a fair amount of stress baking. One good thing is I've consistently logged over 10,000 every day except for today. Taking long strolls around my ne…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I'm so sorry. Hopefully you'll get some reassuring news. I figure it's only a matter of time before it hits the factory where my husband works.
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Our local news channel shared a very disturbing story tonight of a local couple who both ended up in the hospital and tested positive. The husband caught it first, went to the ER, was misdiagnosed wi…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I hope you feel better soon. If it's any consolation during these unsettling times, I've heard lots of reports that it's unusual for a sore throat to be the first symptom. Only 14% of patients even r…