PeachyCarol Member

  • Re: Overwhelmed by PCOS

    What I'm saying is that there's a point where we all ignore the fact that we're overeating for whatever the reason is as the weight piles on. We can see that we're getting bigger and bigger, and some…
  • Re: Overwhelmed by PCOS

    Every single person on my friend's list here who had PCOS was IR. They've lost enough weight that they no longer are. And I am sorry, I was an overeater who blamed the food and blamed hormones and th…
  • Re: Overwhelmed by PCOS

    No. I'm sorry, but that's standard low-carbing gospel, and, as a rational being, you had it in your power to do something somewhere in the process to not be powerless to the cravings. You overate.
  • Re: Insulin resistant

    Particular town might matter. Since another poster knows exactly where she's living and seemed to think it's an issue, how can we know? An issue might also be the distribution of the other nutrients …
  • Re: Does Fitbit way overestimate calories burned?

    You can't make blanket statements about other people and exercise, and you always, always do. It comes across as annoying and judgmental. Everyone on here is at a different part of their fitness jour…