PrizePopple Member

  • Re: New to weightloss... starting with keto!

    Going cold turkey when it comes to food will never get you anywhere. You won't learn how to make better choices by total avoidance. Frankly, tanking baby steps to gain control over your diet will bet…
  • Re: I'm Sick of Feeling Ugly

    As a mid-30's mother of two, I can tell you a few things that are certain. 1) You are not what you think you are, and in 15 years you will look back and go "holy s.... I was so cute then, what w…
  • Re: McDougall Diet

    Then I think you need a new doctor if that's all they do. I have multiple autoimmune diseases, PCOS, and I've had part of my colon taken out. Diet does have benefits - for example, I am supposed to h…
  • Re: Coffee?

    Touch my coffee, I will cut you. I generally drink a homemade americano, black. If I'm feeling like putting in effort I hand grind some beans and use the Aeropress we have. Today my husband made me a…