ahoy_m8 Member

  • Re: Under eating...YIKES!

    I have read the whole thread, and I agree this is the key factor -- 1.2lb/wk loss averaged over many weeks. Adjusting to 1lb/wk loss would mean eating 100 calories more per day on top of whatever you…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Count me in the camp with those thinking about 2 broad groups of situations: - essential places like grocery stores, pharmacies, health care offices, public transportation. Vulnerable people may have…
  • Re: Mention it or don’t? How should I phrase it?

    Or replace the value judgement ("look great") with effort acknowledgement, e.g. something like, "I know how much hard work it takes for me to get visible results. It looks like you hav…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    The governor of the great state of Texas has made it illegal for local governments or SCHOOL DISTRICTS (you know, with children too young to be vaccinated) to issue or to enforce mask mandates. Grab …
  • Re: Qualifying for COVID vaccine solely on BMI

    I agree with this. An analogous situation was early on when administrative hospital workers were offered vaccine along with health care workers. Getting 300M people vaccinated (twice for the earliest…