anl90 Member

  • Re: Help with snacking!!

    I think an important thing to do is stop and focus on why you are wanting that food. Are you bored? Are you emotional? Or are you legit hungry? I personally try to distract myself by doing other thin…
  • Re: Kitty pics for those who love kitty pics

    This thread makes me super happy. Fack, I love cats. :3
  • Re: Mentally Exhausted

    Everyone else has already said it so wonderfully, but it truly does get better. I sort of link my hunger issues with my anxiety issues - I try to focus on my coping skills when either gets bad. Try t…
  • Re: My 600 Pound Life

    As someone who has went through weight loss surgery, this show has actually been a big help to me. I am far from that size, but seeing someone go through such a drastic weight change really inspires …
  • Re: Gym

    Honestly? I do better being alone, and doing my own thing. My husband goes around the same time I do, and it's comforting to know he is there (I'm weird I know lol), but we do our separate things. If…