bubus05 Member

  • Re: Diets

    I live in Ireland. Thank God -and the EU regulations I guess- food is pretty high quality here, they are damn expensive though . Dont know much about food in the US we hear all kinds of rumours, I ha…
  • Re: Diets

    Who said anything about keto superior...? Garbage food for me means processed food, and I know even the meaning of 'processed' is up to debate since everything seems to be processed one way or anothe…
  • Re: Diets

    Ultimately one has to be in calorie deficit to lose weight, what keto does, based on my experience, is to make you mindful of what you eat. On a keto diet you won't be eating garbage whether you coun…
  • Re: Calorie adjustment

    I don't think you can. Two different fitness apps will never agree. You just have to guess which one is closer to the truth. I have seen a review on YT on the most expensive fitness watches of 2021, …
  • Re: Well, I'm now 52 & I'm in that rut

    There is no absolute truth when it comes to macros or nutritions I agree, what is bad for me may be perfectly fine for others, generally not universally too much salt is bad and makes it more difficu…