bubus05 Member

  • Re: Well, I'm now 52 & I'm in that rut

    I am well aware off sodium's water retention effect, that losing water is not the same as losing fat. Still I found too much sodium-in my case over 2300 mg-wont help you losing weight, in fact it wil…
  • Re: Well, I'm now 52 & I'm in that rut

    I am trying to lose the last five pounds while maintaining a ninety pounds weight loss, the damn scale hasnt moved one bit in the last six weeks.. It is tough. Two tactics I am using, put in as littl…
  • Re: Had enough right now

    We must be reading a different study. Direct quote " Here we tested a Constrained total energy expenditure model, in which total energy expenditure increases with physical activity at low activi…
  • Re: Had enough right now

    Here is a 2016 study about the subject.. https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(15)01577-8 To summarise the more you exercise the more your body will adapt and at one point the tota…
  • Re: Had enough right now

    Ok for the sake of argument... suppose there are two guys, same weight, same age, running a five mile track. One is a pro athlete, the other is an amateur. I bet the pro guy will burn less calories d…