debtay123 Member

  • Re: Periods

    I am not sure abut the not weighing thing-- but I do feel that you should know that our bodies do have normal fluctuations. so why not just weigh each day esp. before your periods and take note of th…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I will definitely KEEP wearing my mask for the foreseeable future
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I have to say there have been times when I have just put on my mask and kept in on in stores or when I ran errands then still wore it in the car- I thought nothing of it- so maybe some people just fo…
  • Re: Why is it so hard?

    So glad that you are back-- sorry about your double loss- that has got to be hard-- but I am glad that you are focusing on your health again-- take it slow- don't race-- keep your focus-- do whatever…
  • Re: Low carb?

    But what is wrong with eating a potato- or eating chicken or beef- if that is what the person wants for their own lifestyle?-- I can't do keto because it is too restrictive for ME- I could not do veg…