dkabambe Member

  • Re: Dry January!

    When you have an unexpectedly free Saturday night, and you get a message via mailing list of local pub saying they're doing 2-for-1 drinks all weekend to celebrate "getting through January"!
  • Re: Dry January!

    Tough weekend! Friday night was at gf house with one of her friends and the two of them were drinking and we had indian takeway so that was difficult. My gf originally said she wouldn't drink for the…
  • Re: Dry January!

    It's 9:30am on a Sunday, and I'm up and about and don't have a hangover!! Not only that, but I've got up, caught up on my emails/social media etc, watched some TV, had breakfast, been out for a 7.5k …
  • Re: Dry January!

    Late decision to (try to) join you all. I did have a drink on New Years day - just one but otherwise not since Dec 28th. I'm going out on Jan 31st where I will drink so not quite a full month for me.…
  • Re: July 2017 Running Challenge

    Although it felt fine during Monday's steady run, my shin got worse as the day went on so took another rest day yesterday. Today it felt slightly better but could still feel it so I tentatively stepp…