dkabambe Member

  • Re: July 2017 Running Challenge

    Intention was 6.3k easy today and set out that way. After about 2k I decided to pick it up to a steady pace, (i.e. somewhere between HM and Full pace). Misjudged route so went a little long, but work…
  • Re: July 2017 Running Challenge

    Short run to work and back this morning. Though technically at an easy pace, the way there was anything but easy in terms of effort starting with 71m of climbing in 1.4km - not horrendous as I took t…
  • Re: July 2017 Running Challenge

    Original plan was to do 12.6k today and 6.3k tomorrow, but had a niggle in my right calf. In the end I decided to just do 6.3k at an extremely slow pace, (right at the slow end of my long run pace), …
  • Re: July 2017 Running Challenge

    Today was supposed to be a rest day but reorganised my week to do one of my planned 12.7k runs today. Reason being it would mean I have run marathon distance over 3 days and give me confidence I coul…
  • Re: July 2017 Running Challenge

    19k planned and went well. Decided on a flat non-technical trail route today. Legs started to feel tired for the last 6-7k or so but I expected that having done 11k yesterday. The last 3k were also i…