gigius72 Member

  • Re: For the love of Produce...

    @AnnPT77 sometimes I even eat the peel. My mom started me by teaching me to eat lemons with the peel when I was a kid. Now I like eating the peel of grapefruits or oranges. Dang if I'm in the mood I …
  • Re: Relationship Compatibility

    You even have to see what Bible. Each Christian religion cherry picked what books to believe in and put them in their Bible, leaving out other books. Then you have to look at the translation. Many pa…
  • Re: Honest opinions on weight loss surgery

    If you watched the video I posted, the doctor explained why they can lower the calorie intake. Depending on the type of surgery, your stomach might lose the capability to stretch. It stops producing …
  • Re: Relationship Compatibility

    My wife's side of the family is very religious. But sincerely it never came out that I'm atheist. I don't know how they would take it, probably not well. Due to distance we only meet for Christmas so…
  • Re: Butter substitutes?

    I never liked the phrases healthy eating or everything with moderation. They actually have little meaning. Ask 10 different doctors and 10 different nutritionists what is healthy and you'll get diffe…