joowelz Member

  • Can u pls review my diary entry?

    I'm trying to lose 1/2 pound a week by staying under 1700-1800 calories per day, depending on my activity level that day. But I am failing miserably. I am blowing it at night after dinner when i stil…
  • Keto vs calorie counting

    I'm engaged in a lively Facebook discussion about the importance of hitting your calorie targets. Many people these days seem to view this approach to weight loss as archaic (i dont). They claim you …
  • I give up! :((((

    Was on a winning streak for one year and then a mental health breakdown threw me off course and I've gained 10 lbs in five months. I just ate an entire litre of icecream and have another one in the f…
  • Lost 15 lbs so far!

    Reached 75% of my goal weight by using MFP and building a regular exercise routine into my week. Such a relief to have overcome this hurdle. My body is not perfect, but it's less lumpy and bloated so…
  • Re: Thank You MFP

    I love MFP and the community here too! I always recommend it to my friends.