moonangel12 Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Went to McDonald’s for drinks today, after our first library trip since 3/10... kids were ecstatic! (Library visits were something they always looked forward to - they devour books). I had to go in b…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Sooooo... if they stuck their hand in dog poop, would hand sanitizer be enough?? Ew. I remember walking through the halls of a local hospital with a lady (she was over quality control) and she said h…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Argh... why does a local church think it’s a good idea to let Upward Football go on this fall? I was really hoping it was going to be flat out canceled... it’s my oldest’s last year to play before he…
  • Re: Breakfast....What do you have ??

    I have always been a breakfast eater! I remember donating blood in high school and them asking about breakfast (back when most people I knew didn’t eat much, if anything) and when I started rattling …
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Never, ever, would I have imagined the controversy that face masks have been... and how they have become political?? Seriously?? Blows my mind. I have a friend who is very VERY against them, to the p…