purplefizzy Member

  • Re: For the love of Produce...

    My mishap rate is about once a year. I get rushed or distracted, lop a fingerprint off, and then make myself use the gloves for a while. Usually it happens when I’m trying to get too close to the end…
  • Re: For the love of Produce...

    I feel now that I should explore more greens. I ate about a tub of spinach a day for a year. Just couldn't seem to get sick of it. So sweet. Currently on a baby kale & arugula kick, because they …
  • Re: Long Distance Fuels

    Crystallized ginger chunks. Packed full o sugar, and the ginger keeps me from getting pukey mid run. Plus, they don’t melt in my camelback.
  • Re: FAT

    On everything all the time. Not crazy bacon-wrapped cream cheese style. But if that’s your thing, cool. For me: MCT In my coffee. Olive oil and tahini on my green things. Naturally occurring in my gr…
  • Re: Spinning: standing v sitting

    A good spin instructor will always be willing to chat with you and take the time to be sure you are properly set up on the bike. If you have been properly set up, it sounds like you are making good p…