sgt1372 Member

  • Re: Body fat

    20% would be "lean" for a woman but not a man. A man would need to get to at least 10-12% to look truly "lean." BF% is calculated in relationship to total body weight, so height (…
  • Re: Barcode scanner

    I "get" what's happening but it's irrelevant to me so far. When it's no longer irrelevant, then I'll consider other options which I certainty know exist. Don't let the door hit you on the w…
  • Re: Barcode scanner

    Easy enough to enter the info manually if it's not already in the DB. So, IMO, no reason to get in a huff an uninstall what is still one of the best cal counting apps that's still available for FREE.
  • Re: Calling all rowers!

    i routinely row 50k meters per wk (10k per day, 5 days a wk). Rowed 2.5 Million meters last year and am up to 750k meters this year so far So, the August Dog Days Challenge really isn't much of a cha…
  • Re: Creatine and aesthetics, does it help or hurt, is it worth it? ...

    I stopped taking creatine about 4 wks ago after taking it daily for 8 months. Have not noticed any weight gain, loss of strength or any change in muscle definition or physique. So, at least for me, i…