tsazani Member

  • Re: Diabetes Type 2

    A T2D patient needs to drastically reduce BOTH sugar (insulin) and stress (cortisol) if he wishes to control or reverse his T2D without meds. A LCHF / keto diet is a must. A good night's sleep reduce…
  • Re: PCOS / Diabetic Help

    You need to drastically reduce both sugar (insulin) and stress (cortisol) if you wish to control or reverse your POS / T2D without meds. Decades of too much sugar and stress has is hurting your metab…
  • Re: Weight loss struggle

    IMO your approach is wrong. Your CICO energy balance model has gotten you so far. To go furthur you need to change your approach and your model. Your body is not a static machine. It's a living organ…
  • Re: Weight loss struggle

    You have hit a platau. Let me try and help you. What are your macros? How's your sleep? Are you stressed?
  • Re: Do we intermittently fast already?

    If you suffer from insulin resistance maladies (overweight to T2D) the amount of time you fast makes a big difference. Everytime you eat you spike your blood sugar which causes a spike in insulin. Wh…