twinkles4 Member

  • Re: Fellow Swimmers!

    I started swimming a few weeks ago, since I have a knee injury and can't do anything else. I've been going in the early afternoon around supper time. It's been great! The pool is mostly empty and onl…
  • Re: Modified Weight Exercises for Knee Injury?

    Oh gosh, I didn't even think of battleropes or pistol squats! Great ideas. I did look in to a PT and unfortunately there is a wait list in my area (rural) Hopefully it's not too long of a wait. I hea…
  • Re: This decades “health woo”

    In this past year I've been involuntarily included in several woo MLM products. 1. Thrive supplements 2. Weight loss coffee 3. Hydraslim 4. Herbalife Mostly because my SIL keeps trying them to lose w…
  • Re: What is your "Petty" Reason to Lose Weight?

    I had no petty reasons for starting my lifestyle change. I legit felt sick af, that decision was for me alone. But I developed petty reasons to keep going. Mostly surrounding my MIL and SIL who would…
  • Re: Hypothyroidism

    Just an addendum to this as well. Take your meds consistently, (if you prescribed some that is) with plenty of water and wait as long as you can before eating or drinking anything. I'm hypothyroid, (…