vanmep Member

  • Re: Abdominal

    Am I seeing correctly that your net calories are 542? If so, you will not get abs because you are starving yourself. You will also develop many other health problems due to inadequate nutrition. Take…
  • Re: Abdominal

    There’s an app ( can’t remember what it’s called) where you put in your measurements and you can see pictures of other women with the same body type. Interestingly research shows that women judge the…
  • Re: Really scale? I gained weight after I pooped?!

    I once lost 1.3 pounds. Was pretty proud of myself 😆. Tbh I never thought I would publicly brag about it though 😬
  • Re: Trade-Offs and Treats

    I try to make a connection between the exercise I do and the food I eat. Instead of saying - if I eat these blueberries I won’t be able to eat that cookie, I wonder if it would change the perspective…
  • Re: Is it Okay to have a cheat day?

    To me, phrasing is super important. When I first started out, my goal was just to lose some pounds. But I quickly started to realize that the mental aspect of weight loss carried far more weight (par…