zeejane4 Member

  • Re: your mistakes made

    I'm a long ways into this process and really I can't think of anything I'd consider a mistake, except I stopped weighing myself for a while last year because I became overly confident in my ability t…
  • Re: Low Carb + Intermittent Fasting

    I'm doing my own thing too, not really tracking but I loosely aim for %c20, f55, p25. And then IF a few times a week.
  • Re: How to break Sugar addiction

    OP, if chocolate cake doesn't fit into your plan or you have trouble controlling yourself around it, then why are you still bringing it into your house/putting yourself into situations where you feel…
  • Re: How to Eat Less Carbs??

    No, excess calories from any food/macro split causes weight gain. If you're eating at the correct calorie deficit for your weight loss goals, (that's the calorie target MFP set up for you), then you'…
  • Re: How to Eat Less Carbs??

    It's still going to be pretty individualized though. I'm transitioning from a mostly whole foods plant focused, high carb/low fat diet to a mostly whole foods, low carb/high fat diet, and I now reali…