General Information and FAQ

FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
edited December 2014 in Social Groups
The Low-Carber Daily Forum Group is made up of people following a wide variety of low-carb lifestyles and those who are interested in low-carb lifestyles. We welcome, with open arms, all who endeavor to eat fewer carbs than the generally recommended amount.

I am hesistant to set any firm line on what is low-carb and what is not. Generally, if you're trying to eat 150g or fewer each day, you'll fit in fine here. While some of us may follow a primal, paleo, ketogenic, Atkins, or other eating plan, we are not any of those labels and we don't require or expect anyone to aspire to them if that's not their thing.

The following is a rough outline... a guide to some of the things we want to address. It may be split into a different topic. It should be done in such a manner as to keep it easy to locate information.

Go here and get current BMR, TDEE, etc
Here for Body Fat %
What is your current daily cal intake
Current average carb intake
Goals (weight, carb in, etc)

Where to start:
How many carbs is right for me?
<20g? <50g? <100g? <150g?
Net Carbs / Total carbs?
Glycemic Index/Load




Common Questions:
Why have I stopped losing weight?
How much fat is too much?
Won't fat kill me, my wife, and my children?
How to change your macros?
What macros should you track for LCHF?
How much Fat is too much fat?
What can I eat besides salad and meat?
What do I add back when maintaining weight?

Must address P.I.S.S. as it is lovingly induction stall syndrome. It's a thang and anecdotally, it seems everyone that starts low carb/keto hits this stage at 3-4 weeks. Who knows if that is scientific or not.

Must address electrolytes and LCHF flu, and what to do.

Must address what to do if you get LCHF related constipation or diarrhea.

Must address ketostix, breath readers, and blood ketone meters and what they do/do not do for you.


Artificial Sweeteners and Sugar Alcohols..their benefits and drawbacks (for some).

Rate of weight loss.

Counting calories vs. not counting them.
This discussion has been closed.