5-6x/week strenuous activity?

MandaLeigh123 Posts: 351 Member
edited March 2015 in Social Groups
I am reading a lot you guys, and have been trying to figure out the answers to most of my own questions... but this is what I am wondering.

5-6x/week strenuous activity Does this mean 5-6 hours of of strenuous activity only. Could it be several strenuous sessions, plus other more moderate activity that adds up to one strenuous hour?

Here is the average of what I do, as far as what I log:
*4x week minimum 45 minutes high intensity cardio (HR towards max zone)
sometimes I do fewer days, longer sessions 60 minutes, some weeks more days with shorter sessions... lately, at least 5x/week 45 minutes sometimes more.
sometimes I don't work out as hard and HR is lower
*3-4x week strength training, mixing body weight strength training and weight lifting
the time on this varies, sometimes I do fast circuits moving quickly from one exercise to the next, sometimes I do a set, wait a bit, do another set. sometimes, I work all of my muscles on one day, other weeks, I train upper body and lower body on different days.
*1 day a week, 30-36 minute walk outside (to the hospital and back)
*2 days a week, total of 20-25 minutes/day of walking (to the bus stop and back)
*1 day a week, student nurse... guessing I am on my feet about 5 hours. What I am doing varies on these days. Sometimes standing at a computer a lot researching things, other times walking briskly room to room, ambulating people, transferring people, etc.
* I monitor my approximate calories burned from exercise based on my HR

I probably still need to lose some fat, but I'm not overly worried about that right now. I was previously eating only 1200-1500/cal a day so have been trying to up that to get in 1900-2100. Which still puts me at a deficit, but eating more isn't going to happen at this very moment. At this level, I am feeling bloated bc I was restricting for so long. I know I eventually may need to eat more, but right now I am focusing on this amount of calories and not eating so much that I feel like puking. I didn't feel low energy before increasing my calories, but now I see that I was, even though I didn't realize it. I love not feeling the need to restrict. Very liberating and have seen improvements in strength and endurance very quickly. I love the idea of losing some fat and gaining some muscle, but right now my focus really is on how much I should be eating every day. I take my measurements monthly as well, so that helps me not be so reliant on the scale.

So the question is: When using scooby, do you guys think I'm 5-6x strenuous activiy... or between that and the lower level or between that and the higher level?

I know a lot of people might question why I do so much cardio, but it really does help to clear my head. I don't just do it for weight loss and fitness purposes, I also do it for anxiety and stress reduction. Lifting doesn't have the same effect on me, and I really have to work to keep my mental health in check in regards to anxiety.

I am currently a student, so when I am not sitting in a classroom, I am most often sitting at a desk studying.... (besides that one clinical day which is pretty active).


  • MandaLeigh123
    MandaLeigh123 Posts: 351 Member

    Age: 33
    CW: 143-146
    Height: 67 inches
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    Yes. It's not just strenuous but it's also doing a large amount of working out. It sucks that it says 'strenuous' as it should just say 5-6 hours of working out. I do 3x40 min lifting, 3x30 C25K and 2x80-120 min field hockey...PLUS I'm generally active quite often in my day, so it adds up to around 5 hrs. I did a test of my TDEE and it's actually in that level.

    With nursing, I'd put you in the even higher category.
  • Jennbecca33
    Jennbecca33 Posts: 321 Member
    Yes, I'd say you are definitely 5-6 hour activity level! Great job on increasing cals.
  • Jennbecca33
    Jennbecca33 Posts: 321 Member
    Yep, could very well be possibly higher like mymodern said...best to test that out once you get your cals increased all the way up.
  • MandaLeigh123
    MandaLeigh123 Posts: 351 Member
    Thanks for taking the time to respond! I appreciate the help :smiley: