Enhancing MFP Displays For Low Carb

baconslave Posts: 6,948 Member
edited March 2016 in Social Groups
  • Overview
    CavemanKeto Website
    Overview of the process to install the scripts required to have MFP Food Diary calculate and display "net" carbs
    You need to load the Tampermonkey (Chrome) or Greasemonkey (Firefox) extension in order to use the scripts. Once you have it installed, if you click on the .JS files in the following links, the extension should pick them up and ask if you want to install them.
    Links to the individual scripts are provided below
  • Net Carb Script
    Shows net carbs and little pie charts in your diary. Requires the protein, fat, carbs, and fibre columns.
  • Percentages and Pie Charts Script
    Shows the percentages and pie charts like the "Net Carb Script," but without the net carb column. Requires the protein, fat, and carbs columns. Does not require the fibre column.
  • Macro Settings Script
    Improves the macro goals in settings.
    (Note: This one may not work right now, due to the recent changes MFP made to the goal setting interface. It's potentially permanently broken.)
  • Calorie Hiding Script
    Hides the calorie column in your diary. Useful for ad libitum challenges.

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