Your milestones and progress - accountability

Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
edited March 2017 in Social Groups
Share your weight loss goals and progress,
remember to update weekly. o:)

My Starting Weight: ~296 lbs (01/01/2017)
My Ultimate Goal Weight: <190 lbs (top of my healthy BMI range)
My goal date for loosing 100 lbs is by Jan 2018

I'm targeting 1.5-2.0 lbs per week (aggressive, I know)

Next Milestone: 260 lbs (by end March?)
Current Weight: 271 lbs, 02/26
Loss last week: -1.0 lbs
Total loss: -25 lbs

What's working, what's not:
My big win is that I'm still tracking everything. Had fast food one day and went way over goal, so I ate below goal for several days to compensate. Remember the real objective is to be at your targeted calorie deficit on average for the week, the individual days will fluctuate.


  • Saiosyn
    Saiosyn Posts: 41 Member
    Start weight: 297lbs
    Ending Goal weight: 135lbs
    Current Longer Goal: 276lbs by 4/16/2017
    Short term goal: Lose 10lbs


    Last weeks weigh in: 297lbs
    Current weight: 293lbs
    Total loss: 4lbs


    What's working, what's not:
    What's not:
    Well, I put the problem I'm currently having in the hardships area. Basically, I'm lacking motivation and ambition to eat so much food and drink so much water. I feel full all the time. And that makes me feel sick. Like just now, I ate 3oz of chicken breast, 1 cup of steamed broccoli, and 1/2 a piece of diet bread and I feel sick. I have tried to cut up one day's worth of protein and veggies and fruits and just snack throughout the day, but that didn't work all that great. Just having trouble eating enough to make 1000 calories a day. And I don't like sweets or junk foods, so higher calorie foods aren't really an option.

    What's working:
    Tracking everything and pushing myself to stay strong, it's getting harder, but I'm still holding in there. Also working I've started to remember tracking my exercises. Meal planning and meal prepping keep me on track so I can grab and go and not use the excuse I don't feel like cooking.
  • crazymomma71112
    crazymomma71112 Posts: 1 Member
    My Starting Weight: 340 lbs (12/01/2016)
    My Ultimate Goal Weight: 170 lbs
    My goal date for loosing 100 lbs is by Jan 2018
    I'm targeting 1.5-2.0 lbs per week

    Current Weight: 304 lbs, 02/26

    Total loss: -36 lbs

    what's not working: recently stuck for 2 weeks with no weight loss...just sticking it out through it.
    what's working: weight lifting with planet fitness 30 min express work out, walking stairs at work (hospital...lots of stairs), feeling great when exercising!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member

    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My Ultimate Goal Weight: I'd be happy with >250 lbs; 225 lbs would be marvelous, and my absolutely dream weight? 180 lbs and comfortably in a XL clothing size
    My goal: be back down to 300 lbs by end of summer.
    Next Milestone: 340 lbs (by middle of March?)
    Current Weight: 347 lbs, 02/23 (next weigh in is tomorrow or Thursday)
    Total loss: -30 lbs; -2 inches from waist & hips

    What's working:

    I'm targeting 1700 calories a day right now with 40% Carb 25% protein and 35% fats as my ratios. I'm losing around 3 lbs a week right now, but I spoke to my doctor about it, and she said that my eating choices were healthy and she was fine with that calorie limit and weight loss plan.

    I'm limiting my sugar intake to natural sugars most of the time with very little added sugars - trying to stay under that 24g limit for added, and trying to stay around 48g total sugar intake. When I do want something sweet, I reach for stevia and I stay far clear of any artificial sweeteners - equal, splenda and nutrasweet all give me digestive trouble, but stevia doesn't bother me. I'm going for a Mediterranean style diet focusing on fresh produce, whole grains, limited use of real butter and olive oil, vinegars, lean dairy (I stick to 2% milk, 4% fat cottage cheese, etc). I try to limit my fruit intake to just 1 or 2 servings max a day because of the sugar content (I know it's natural, but I still find it reasonable to keep that limited too), and I try to make sure I get my protein in a day, though that has been a huge struggle! I'm going for 2 servings of fish a week, and eat lots of chicken, but don't have a problem having lean red meat once in a while. I recently discovered Oikos triple zero yogurt, which is very low in sugar and is very tasty, and this from someone who doesn't care for yogurt! And best yet, it's a good protein source! I am sticking to drinking either water, unsweetened black tea, or Bai products, and I recently found that Body Armor has started producing a lyte version of their drinks that uses stevia instead of artificial sweeteners.

    I'm also working at trying to get at least 3500mg potassium in a day, though recent bloodwork showed that I was in the normal range for that. I detest the gym environment, but I'm hoping that when spring gets here, I can get a walking regimen going along side spring yard work so I can get some exercise in, but for now, simply calorie counting is working. I've found that cutting the sugar out and sticking to whole vegetables has helped keep the hunger in check, and when I do get a little hungry between meals, chewing gum helps take the edge off.

  • rfrieman
    rfrieman Posts: 94 Member
    My Starting Weight:256 lbs. (01/20/2017)
    My Ultimate Goal Weight: 150 lbs
    My goal date for loosing 60 lbs is September 15, 2017 (going on a cruise)
    My goal weight for loosing 100 lbs is January 2018
    I'm targeting 1.5 - 2.0 lbs per week

    Next Milestone: 230 lbs (by end of March)
    Current Weight: 235 lbs, 02/24/17
    Loss last week: -1.0 lbs (need to start exercising more)
    Total loss: -21 lbs

    What's working, what's not:
    Tracking on MFP has helped me greatly. Stopped drinking sweet tea and only drink water with lemon now. Need to find time and devote it to walking more and exercising.
  • pribud
    pribud Posts: 453 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~247.8 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My Ultimate Goal Weight: 145
    My Current weight 235.6
    My goal date for losing 50 pounds July 30th.
    Target 1.5-2lbs per week

    Next milestone 228 by March 31st
    Weigh in day Friday
    Loss last week 1.4lbs
    Total loss 12.2 pounds, since January 3rd.

    What's working: MFP I love tracking my food, it makes me accountable. I am new to MFP, I originally started my weight loss on my own. This is much better.

    What's not working: Right now I really can't think of anything.

    Hope everyone has a good month! WE CAN DO THIS!

  • SeminoleGirl78
    SeminoleGirl78 Posts: 31 Member
    Starting weight ~240
    Goal weight: 140-150
    Current weight: 199.4

    Short term goal: see my colar bone

    What's working: tracking what I eat

    What's not: meal planning for 6....struggling with trying to make meals that everyone will/can eat. Most of the time I just make what the majority will eat but after making a big meal for everyone else, I don't feel like cooking for me. I also haven't been able to get on an exercise routine. This is making my progress very slow.
  • faux_scots_lass
    faux_scots_lass Posts: 58 Member
    SW: 325lbs
    CW: 297.6lbs
    GW: Initially 180lbs and then I'll decide from there how much lower I might want to go.

    Short term goal: 290lbs (working in 10lb blocks because it feels a whole lot more manageable!)

    What's Working:

    MINIMAL sugar. I went 4 months with absolutely no sugar at all. A tiny bit has creeped in here or there but I don't want it rising any higher. I've found after going without sugar for so long that the thought of eating a bar of chocolate is actually just too much - I'd like to keep it that way!
    Power walking - legs hurt but in a very good way! Also I've found some yoga workouts for the "plus size" person which I'm really loving. I've never been in to exercise before but I can see these sticking.

    What's Not:
    Lunches. Fine when I'm at home, not so great when I'm out and about. I need to sort out some healthy but filling options for packed lunches!
  • gazellefish
    gazellefish Posts: 72 Member
    edited March 2017
    About Me: 27 years old, office worker (marketing). Fitbit/Fitocracy user (Add me!).

    My Starting Weight: 263 lbs (01/01/2016)
    My Ultimate Goal Weight: <150 lbs (I'm 5'4" so I will evaluate body composition after this)

    My goal date for losing 100 lbs is by early summer 2018
    Target Loss: at least 1.5 lbs per week

    Milestone #1: 235 lbs (by April for a trip to London)
    Milestone #2: 199 lbs (I'd love to be in Onederland for Ren Faire in early November)
    Current Weight: 243 lbs, 02/27
    Loss last week: -5.0 lbs
    Total loss: -20 lbs

    What's working:
    • Tracking food on MFP - I've been fairly religious. On Sundays I tend to not log but still watch what I eat.
    • Intermittent Fasting - I'm about a month in, I do 8 on, 16 off (noon-8pm).
    • Feeling full - I'm better at knowing what a meal should feel like, and reminding myself I should be full and not snacking out of boredom.
    • Exercise - I've been working with a trainer and going to the gym at least 4x a week, plus upping cardio. I do mostly heavy lifting, and I love it.
    • Sleeping - I have a bedtime, and I stick to it. I try and get 8 hours.

    What's not:
    • Still work a sedentary office job. It's hard to get the steps in.
    • Cooking my own food - I run a gallery and have an 8-5 job, so I'm usually all over the map.
  • maggie2092
    maggie2092 Posts: 54 Member
    edited March 2017
    My Starting Weight: 276 lbs (01/26/2017)
    My Ultimate Goal Weight: ~170 lbs or when I feel "healthy"! 170 would be within the normal range of BMI for my age and height, but this is not a number I have set in stone!
    "Short" term goal: 50 lbs by my Sept 2017 wedding!
    My goal date: No rush, the weight wasn't put on overnight, so I know it's not going to come off overnight either!

    I'm targeting 1.5-2.0 lbs per week for now anyway!

    Current weight: 269.2 lbs (Mar 1/17)
    Next goal: 262.2 (-8.0 lbs by March 30/17)
    Loss last week: Starting fresh after 3 weeks of vacation during the month of Feb. I was down to 268 before I left, ended up back up to 274, now back down to 269.
    Total loss: -7 lbs

    What's working: Tracking my eating has been going surprisingly well. I've had no problem staying within my deficit. Never feel hungry or that I'm starving myself. If I'm hungry, I eat something but make sure I track it and that it falls within my deficit! I've realized my downfall is snacking, mostly when I'm home alone or in the evenings. Now, instead of reaching for an unhealthy snack, I'm choosing healthier snacks that fit within my daily allowance. I've also been weighing/measuring every piece of food (or liquid) that passes through my lips! Trying to be as accurate as I can with my logging.
    What's not working: As I mentioned above, three weeks of vacation put me on a bit of a set back as I expected. But in the last week, I have managed to get myself within a pound of my pre-vacation weight. I'm sure that some of it was water weight as well as it came off rather quickly, but I'm feeling motivated to start back at it!
    I had been really good at drinking water, so I'm hoping that this month I can increase my water intake as I had gotten away from that.
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    edited March 2017
    Starting weight: 281.6 lbs (04 Feb 2017)
    Goal weight: 161 lbs (averaged together various recommended body weights)
    100 lb loss target date: 14 Oct 2018
    Goal weight target date: 03 Mar 2019
    Goal loss rate: 1 lb per week (seems doable, can prob even exceed goal!)

    Current weight: 265.6 lbs (as of 02 Mar 2017)
    Next milestone: 250 lbs (18 Jun 2017 target)
    Loss last week: 5.4 lbs
    Total loss: 16 lbs

    What's going well:
    * Making my own meals at home
    * Prepping food for work the next day, after dinner
    * Carefully tracking all intake

    What's going poorly:
    * Making good choices and controlling portion size when eating out or at other people's homes
  • rfrieman
    rfrieman Posts: 94 Member
    SW: 325lbs
    CW: 297.6lbs
    GW: Initially 180lbs and then I'll decide from there how much lower I might want to go.

    Short term goal: 290lbs (working in 10lb blocks because it feels a whole lot more manageable!)

    What's Working:

    MINIMAL sugar. I went 4 months with absolutely no sugar at all. A tiny bit has creeped in here or there but I don't want it rising any higher. I've found after going without sugar for so long that the thought of eating a bar of chocolate is actually just too much - I'd like to keep it that way!
    Power walking - legs hurt but in a very good way! Also I've found some yoga workouts for the "plus size" person which I'm really loving. I've never been in to exercise before but I can see these sticking.

    What's Not:
    Lunches. Fine when I'm at home, not so great when I'm out and about. I need to sort out some healthy but filling options for packed lunches![/quote]

    Good luck in your journey. Can you please share the yoga exercises that you found for plus size people? Thanks.
  • rfrieman
    rfrieman Posts: 94 Member
    Rhonda Frieman 57 year old female
    Update 03/03/17

    My Starting Weight:256 lbs. (01/20/2017)
    My Ultimate Goal Weight: 150 lbs
    My goal date for loosing 60 lbs is September 15, 2017 (going on a cruise)
    My goal weight for loosing 100 lbs is January 2018
    I'm targeting 1.5 - 2.0 lbs per week

    Next Milestone: 230 lbs (by end of March) (think I am on track for this goal and more)
    Current Weight: 232 lbs, 03/03/17
    Loss this week: -3.0 lbs (very excited)
    Total loss: -24 lbs (if I can do it anyone can!)
  • kdhjj
    kdhjj Posts: 3 Member
    i don;t know how to put goals and updates in this group can someone help me figure out how to get set up. i have read some great ideas and have some things i am doing that may work for others. i started at 350 lbs 15th of Dec. last monday weight was 312. losing 4 to 5 lbs a week not starving. some weeks no loss others 5 to 8 lbs. its not super easy, but healthy for me. add me if you want and lets help each other.
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    kdhjj wrote: »
    i don;t know how to put goals and updates in this group can someone help me figure out how to get set up. i have read some great ideas and have some things i am doing that may work for others. i started at 350 lbs 15th of Dec. last monday weight was 312. losing 4 to 5 lbs a week not starving. some weeks no loss others 5 to 8 lbs. its not super easy, but healthy for me. add me if you want and lets help each other.

    HI KD, congrats on dropping 38 so far!.

    We just put our goals in this discussion thread and most will update their progress every week with a new post. This group is fairly new so not much history yet. You can see how it's done with some of the Challenges in the below subforum
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member

    My Starting Weight: ~296 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My Ultimate Goal Weight: <190 lbs (top of my healthy BMI range)
    My goal date for loosing 100 lbs is by Jan 2018

    I'm targeting 1.5-2.0 lbs per week (aggressive, I know)

    Next Milestone: 260 lbs (by end March?)
    Current Weight: 268 lbs, 03/04
    Loss last week: -3.0 lbs
    Total loss: -28 lbs

    What's working, what's not:
    My big win remains that I'm tracking everything, and working on portion control. I had been eating extra salt (pickles & sun flower seeds) which kept my weight flat till a WOOSH yesterday, peed out 3 lbs :p

    This week I've committed to start regular exercise. I'm thinking I'll try the C25K (couch to 5k) program, and may get a Fitbit to help motivate me.

  • faux_scots_lass
    faux_scots_lass Posts: 58 Member
    SW: 325lbs
    CW: 295.2lbs
    GW: Initially 180lbs and then I'll decide from there how much lower I might want to go.

    Loss Last Week: -2.5lbs
    Total Loss - 29.8lbs

    Short term goal: 290lbs (working in 10lb blocks because it feels a whole lot more manageable!)

    What's Working:

    I'm tracking everything! In the past when I've tried I've got lazy towards the evening and not bothered tracking the last meal/snack of the day. This time I've been totally on top of it.

    Exercise! I'm loving my combination of low impact aerobics, strength training and yoga.

    What's Not:
    Lunches still but I'm making progress - I've purchased a new lunchbox with various compartments so I can take healthy foods with me on the go rather than rely on a sandwich (which never keeps me full) or buying something out and about.
  • kimbermak
    kimbermak Posts: 148 Member
    SW: 277.2lbs
    CW: 257.2lbs
    GW: 150lbs by Feb, 2018

    Last Week's Weight loss: -.8lbs (.31%)
    Total Loss - 20lbs (Hit my target weight a week earlier than planned)

    What's Working: I have been tracking ever single thing I eat and drink. My portion control is getting better. A bag of potato chips went stale before I finished it (that is my occasional 1oz snack)

    What's Not Working: Excercise - I just can't get into it. I don't have any equipment at home, it is awfully cold and muddy out (I live on a dirt road) and, as you can tell, I have lots of excuses!!! Hooked up my Wii yesterday - maybe that will give me a little motivation.

    Last week was a discouraging week - Totally kept under my calories every day, but my weight loss has stalled.
  • kdhjj
    kdhjj Posts: 3 Member
    sw 350lbs
    cw 312
    short goal <300 by end of march

    total lose so far 38 lbs

    whats working;

    having my wife try to be more involved. she got a scare from doctor who said if i don't do something i will die very soon.
    eating 5 to 6 times a day small meals
    eating foods i like not rabbit foods only
    being able to track my foods on mfp has been super so i have a quick place to check and see how i'm doing for the day, week, etc.
    honestly tracking of foods consumed so i can make adjustments where needed.
    being able to have feed back from friends and their ideas to help me

    what doesn't work;

    drink more water
    my children sabotaging my efforts.
    not being able to do exercises to help lose weight because i have broken back and other health problems. any help from others to figure out what i can do in this area would help so much.