Noob here!

Hi All, just joined this group in the hope to find some like minded people here.

I'm Rianne, 31, from Berkshire in the UK. I am 5'10" (1.78m) and currently weigh 179.4lbs (81.4kg). I enlisted the help of a PT 2 months ago (when I was about 183lbs) to try and tone up and lose fat. My BMI is slightly high (25.68) but I am focusing more on my body fat & muscle percentages, waist and belly measurements, and how my clothes feel (currently a UK14). Ideally I would like to drop at least one dress size, although closer to 2 sizes would be nice.

It's taken me a while to come to terms with the fact that the number on the scales is pretty insignificant when your body composition changes. I have been doing a lot of weights with my PT (and I love it!) and am most definitely toning up nicely, despite only dropping 3lbs in weight. I have a good amount of fat to lose still, but given my height most people think I'm fine as I am.

Dieting is not my thing, so I don't cut out anything and simply use MFP as a guide. I am all for slow and steady progress so that it changes my habits, rather than feel like I am on a hard hitting diet with a view of a quick shred as I will guaranteed fall off that wagon.

So yes, that is me. Happy to have some more friends of MFP for the support and motivation.


  • bringbackthejoy
    bringbackthejoy Posts: 255 Member
    welcome to MFP!
  • xelsoo
    xelsoo Posts: 194 Member
    Yes welcome! I created this account awhile ago but never really used it, so I'm new as well! I've been traveling because of work and haven't really worked out in around 4 months, just moved to a new city and don't know anybody, so I'm hoping to find motivation on MFP to get back on it! I'm 1.74 (or 5"7) and about 64 kg (141 pounds) and have trouble losing the last 5 kg/11 pounds of pure fat..I never manage and lose faith! I enjoy group classes to get some cardio in, and weight lifting has been the best discovery ever, it really changes the way your body looks and feels :) Glad to have someone to share motivation and accountability!
  • 1skholloway
    1skholloway Posts: 341 Member
    Welcome to each of you! The last few pounds can be the hardest but it sounds like you each have good plans. In this group you will have good support.
  • Zeeleigh
    Zeeleigh Posts: 3 Member
    Wow, im pretty much in the same boat as ypu guys. 170cm, weighing in at 72.5kg. Jumped back on the wagon in march after a busy christmas and crazy start to the year. Ive been doing weights and trying to make myself do some cardio. Been doing a lot of hiking which is my happy place. I want to loose 5kg so i can get under 70kgs purely for vanity's sake, but ultimately i want to tone up, have a flatter stomach and toned legs.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Thank you for the welcome to the MFP community. And for the adds, too!
  • vnukinga
    vnukinga Posts: 130 Member
    Welcome ladies!