November LC Basics Challenge 2017: Week 2 (11/8-11/14)

baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
edited November 2017 in Social Groups
Welcome to the November Basics Challenge!!!
I feel so strongly about how crucial this is, I'm having a Basics challenge every month.

Bah, basics! Entirely boring and unsexy, right?
Guess what though? It will get you to your goal. Basics aren't flashy or exciting, but this is how it's done.

One key thing that I have learned in my journey is this:
Consistency + Persistence + Time = Success

Consistently nailing the basics is so important. And consistency creates good habits, routines, and gives you momentum that will carry you through hard times or disruptions to your normal schedule. Forget motivation. Motivation is a fickle thing. Discipline carries you through when motivation fails you.

So what are the basics?
Well, hitting your carb goal, obviously, right? There are other very important basics we need to lock in: staying hydrated, keeping electrolytes up, logging consistently (if you're a logger), exercise (if that's one of your goals), hitting your macros, staying away from trigger foods and other things you know set you back...

You can report your progress to your goal, whether it be ultra-obsessive daily hitting your low-carb plan basics, or working on a fitness goal, or even nailing down other good habits in your life. And if you have problems or need advice, you'll find that here.

Each week there will be a thread to collect your progress that week and to interact with other challengers.
I'll keep links to the weekly threads at the bottom of the stickied post should the thread get buried. 2 clicks, to this post and the Weekly link, will get you back to it.

So go ahead and post your goals in this Thread.
My daily post would look something like this.

Wed 11/1:
Logged: :+1:
Water: :+1:
Electrolytes: :+1:
Calorie Goal: :+1:
Carb Goal: :+1:
Exercise: HIIT :+1:
Prelogged next day: :+1:
No booze!: :+1:

But this is your show. So focus on your basics.

Make this month count! Tear it up!:+1:


  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Well, day late, dollar short...
    I had a severe derp yesterday. This should have been up then. I don't know where the brain went. Must have been vacay? Hope it was nice.

    But here it is. :wink:
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    Nov 8 (is this the right place for this? Oh well)

    Cals 1550 (boo)
    Carbs. 32 (boo, boo)
    Steps. 21,067 (yay!))
    Activity. 266/400 weekly minutes

    How’s everyone doing? Tomorrow I’m trying on stuff to wear on my Paris trip. Praying I find a decent looking dressy outfit that fits. I’ll avoid the croissants and concentrate on the cheese. And wine ;)
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Nov 8 (is this the right place for this? Oh well)

    Cals 1550 (boo)
    Carbs. 32 (boo, boo)
    Steps. 21,067 (yay!))
    Activity. 266/400 weekly minutes

    How’s everyone doing? Tomorrow I’m trying on stuff to wear on my Paris trip. Praying I find a decent looking dressy outfit that fits. I’ll avoid the croissants and concentrate on the cheese. And wine ;)

    Sure. Like I said, I completely derped. :confounded:
  • Chillycatmum
    Chillycatmum Posts: 188 Member
    I am jumping back in after surgery - I will be starting Monday, although will be making some changes over the weekend - I am going to start by getting back to 50g carbs to start with and see how my body copes with it, but I really want to get back on track and back to carnivore
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    I am having a good week so far, need to stay on track as I've got a dinner date with hubby and another couple on Saturday night.

    SW: 189 on 10/22
    CW: 182
    GW: 159, then reassess
  • Losinandmovin
    Losinandmovin Posts: 188 Member
    This is day #6 keto for me!
    SW (starting weight) 211
    GW 175

    Weigh in once a month--Done
    No cheating! -- Done
    Stay within macros every day--Done
    Log daily--Done

    My brain is fuzz and I'm really, really tired, but so far so good.

    --There is no Try. There is only Do. (Yoda) My hero! <3
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    Logged: esyay
    Under Calorie Goal: esyay
    Under Carb Goal: esyay
    Intentional Exercise: onay
    Water > 2L: esyay
    Keto Chocolate <50g: onay
    No Alcohol: epyay
    Tinctures & Vitamins: epyay!

    I spend way too much time around kids :lol:
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    Logged: esyay
    Under Calorie Goal: esyay
    Under Carb Goal: esyay
    Intentional Exercise: onay
    Water > 2L: esyay
    Keto Chocolate <50g: onay
    No Alcohol: epyay
    Tinctures & Vitamins: epyay!

    I spend way too much time around kids :lol:

    Logging in PigLatin. Love it!
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member

    Cals. 1428
    Carbs. 53
    Steps. 14,509
    Activity. 295/400 weekly mins

    How’s everyone doing?I have developed a nasty blitery itchy rash on my fac which I think is keto rash. It’s SOOOOO attractive. I’m going to up carbs for a bit to see if I can get it to go away. I feel like a high schooler in the week before the prom.
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,587 Member
    Vitamins - 1/2
    Fitbit - rough couple of days, chained to my desk. Today through the weekend should be much better. Planning a quick get away with lots of walking.
    80 oz Water - 2/2
    UFOs - didn't get the sewing done but I did put all the clean dishes away. Hubs has a habit of unloading the dishwasher to the counter and walking away.

    Maybe I'll bring my hand sewing with my on my trip.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    edited November 2017
    I would just like to express that the scale is a Hateful McLiarFace, and I want to bust his kneecaps!!! :rage: I think you all feel me. lol!

    Wed 11/8:
    Logged: tree-smiley-emoticon-emoji.gif
    Water: tree-smiley-emoticon-emoji.gif
    Electrolytes: tree-smiley-emoticon-emoji.gif
    Calorie Goal: tree-smiley-emoticon-emoji.gif
    Carb Goal: tree-smiley-emoticon-emoji.gif
    Exercise: Strength tree-smiley-emoticon-emoji.gif:
    Prelogged next day: tree-smiley-emoticon-emoji.gif
    No booze!: tree-smiley-emoticon-emoji.gif

    Thurs 11/9:
    Logged: tree-smiley-emoticon-emoji.gif
    Water: tree-smiley-emoticon-emoji.gif
    Electrolytes: tree-smiley-emoticon-emoji.gif
    Calorie Goal: Nope. Not over maintenance, but too high:no_mouth:
    Carb Goal: tree-smiley-emoticon-emoji.gif
    Exercise: HIIT tree-smiley-emoticon-emoji.gif:
    Prelogged next day: tree-smiley-emoticon-emoji.gif
    No booze!: tree-smiley-emoticon-emoji.gif
  • WR50
    WR50 Posts: 96 Member
    For Nov 11/17
    Carbs <50g
    Calories <1800
    No beer- don't laugh, it's Canadian Finals Rodeo weekend. The rural Canadian equivalent of Super Bowl especially if your kids grew up rodeoing instead of playing hockey
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    Logged: yes ma'am
    Under Calorie Goal: yes ma'am
    Under Carb Goal: yes, sir
    Intentional Exercise: no, sir
    Intermittent Fasting: yeppity
    Water > 2L: indeed
    Keto Chocolate <50g: thank the goddess, yes!
    No Alcohol: affirmative
    Tinctures & Vitamins: yes ma'am
  • mandyagowda
    mandyagowda Posts: 3 Member
    Nov 5-Nov 10
    This week was awesome. I was low carb.

    Logged : Yes :smile:
    Weigh In : Yes :smile:
    Carb Goal <30g : Yes :smile:
  • RecipeScrapper
    RecipeScrapper Posts: 84 Member
    I am going to join in on the fun here, although it is a bit late in the game. Here are my stats for the week thus far:
    Carb Goal: Y
    Calorie Goal: Y
    Water: 100 oz
    Walking: Y
    Electrolytes: Y
    Logged: Y

    Carb Goal: Y
    Calorie Goal: Y
    Water: 96 oz
    Electrolytes: Y
    Walking: Y
    Logged: Y

    Carb Goal: Y
    Calorie Goal: N
    Water: 120 oz
    Electrolytes: Y
    Walking: Y
    Logged: Y

    Carbs: Under
    Calories: Under
    Water: 80 oz
    Electrolytes: Y
    Walking: Y

    Carbs: Way over!!!
    Calories: Under
    Water: 100 oz
    Electrolytes: Y
    Walking: Twice as much today
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Weigh in: o:)
    Calories: o:)
    Macros: o:)
    Electrolytes: o:)
    Exercise (or scheduled rest day): o:) Ran 2.8 miles and with all the housework and whatnot (and taking outdoor family photos for an hour this morning, moving around a good bit) I got in over 19k steps today!
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    edited November 2017
    Logged: :heart:
    Under Calorie Goal: :heart:
    Under Carb Goal: :heart:
    Intentional Exercise: :heartbreak:
    Intermittent Fasting: :heart:
    Water > 2L: :heart:
    Keto Chocolate < 50g: :heartbreak:
    No Alcohol: :heart:
    Tinctures & Vitamins: :heart:
  • GorgeousMa
    GorgeousMa Posts: 34 Member
    Jeesh I missed this and my app does not have all of the great links that going online does. Hopefully I can join the December Challenge but in the meantime I will be moving along pretty much doing the same as everyone else just not on the Challenge.
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    I do everything Sunday to Sunday, this is my Nov 5th - Nov 11th wrap-up.
    • Water - 10 cups or more: 6/7
    • Excercise every day: 7/7
    • No plants / carnivore: 7/7
    • Carbs 10g or less: 7/7
    • Calories <= goal: 7/7
    • Strict logging: 6/7
    I was extra hungry during the first week but I'm getting that under control. That first week I was up 5 lbs but this week I'm down 5 so I'm back where I was on Oct 29th.

    Sticking with the carnivore plan for the rest of November, to see how it plays out.
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    Well I survived my birthday binge free and within (maintenance) calorie goal. So yay.

    Ready to go forth into the 6 weeks until Christmas with the determination to beat the last 6 weeks. After all, it’s like a roll of paper towels, right?

    So, today( nov 12)

    Carbs. 36
    Cals. 1420
    Steps. 14,039—so far
    Activity. 642/400 weekly mins—last day in the week.

    Feeling pretty good. How about you guys?