Motivated May 2017: Week 3 (5/15-5/21)

baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
Challenge blurb. Again. :wink:
baconslave wrote: »
For some of us, M stands for "Meativore" this May. So what were the rest of us to do with ourselves? Manic May? Mediocre May? Naw! Life gets busy and throws nonsense in the way of our goals. Sometimes we just don't "feel it"? But at some point we were motivated, right? Well, this month we are going to mainline you motivation all month long. 31 days of focusing in, with eagle-sharp focus, on a goal.

It's up to you. Do you need a 30/31 challenge (30 minutes every one of the 31 days this month.) A push-up challenge? Further your fitness level? Tamp down on the basics? Just plain need accountability? That's why we are here.

There'll be a thread up in the sticky section with links to each week for easy access when/if the thread gets buried.

Get motivated to reach your goal for May. And when motivation wanes, come to this thread an lean on us. We want every single one of you to succeed.
Come on in and post your goals! Check-in as often as you want/need. We'll keep the light on for ya. :wink:


Week 3, me hearties.
Keep it up!


  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    I'm so glad for a new week!!

    Mother's Day was awful! My kids went from stubborn kids to hard headed adults, and I got caught in the crossfire. :/

    So naturally I ate McDonald's. *rolls eyes*

    Here I am. I'm not going to struggle with this, I'm just going to go on as if it never happened. I don't want to be fat anymore. Or chubby, whatever you want to call it.

    So. I'm going to go ahead and get right back on track this week. Work hard, play hard, eat bacon.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    I'm so glad for a new week!!

    Mother's Day was awful! My kids went from stubborn kids to hard headed adults, and I got caught in the crossfire. :/

    So naturally I ate McDonald's. *rolls eyes*

    Here I am. I'm not going to struggle with this, I'm just going to go on as if it never happened. I don't want to be fat anymore. Or chubby, whatever you want to call it.

    So. I'm going to go ahead and get right back on track this week. Work hard, play hard, eat bacon.

    So sorry, Lori. :disappointed:
    I had a less than ideal Mother's Day myself due to mannnnny factors.
    Just a blip. You're fine. Carry on.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    It's OK to open the heart a little and let the hurt come in. It proves you're still alive.
  • LowCarb4Me2016
    LowCarb4Me2016 Posts: 575 Member
    Goals for this week are to take it a day at a time with exercise and stick to keto. I won't be getting in an actual walk today because I'm spending so much time on the phone with insurance but I don't feel like it anyway. Arms and shoulders are too achy for pushups so that challenge may just get shelved until next month and then I'll start again.
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    slimzandra wrote: »
    Good Morning.

    I had a terrible Mother's Day too! The good news is I got rid of 300 pounds this weekend. Long story, but I'm looking for a new honey if you know of any good ones out there. Must know when he doesn't have a speaking part. HAHA

    I do have lots of yummy meat dishes prepared for the week. The outlook is for the rain to stop and it is going to be a fantastic weather week! Things are looking up.

    Congrats on the drastic weight loss. If it's unnecessary baggage, it's good riddance... We may occasionally miss those little treats those pounds were an excuse for, but in the end, we deserve to be good to ourselves and lay off the temptation and keep those troublesome pounds at bay.

    Once we acclimatise to not having all that extra baggage, the odd occasional treat - just because you famn well can - is totally acceptable. Fitter, better you hun, in the long run. Hugs!!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    edited May 2017
    baconslave wrote: »
    I'm so glad for a new week!!

    Mother's Day was awful! My kids went from stubborn kids to hard headed adults, and I got caught in the crossfire. :/

    So naturally I ate McDonald's. *rolls eyes*

    Here I am. I'm not going to struggle with this, I'm just going to go on as if it never happened. I don't want to be fat anymore. Or chubby, whatever you want to call it.

    So. I'm going to go ahead and get right back on track this week. Work hard, play hard, eat bacon.

    So sorry, Lori. :disappointed:
    I had a less than ideal Mother's Day myself due to mannnnny factors.
    Just a blip. You're fine. Carry on.

    Thanks, J-dogg. You're the best at making me feel sane again. I'm sorry YOUR day wasn't ideal, either! <3

    I need you. You're my friend.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Great day; two brisk walks and got a lot of steps and flights of stairs in. Food has been on track, too.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    I'm so glad for a new week!!

    Mother's Day was awful! My kids went from stubborn kids to hard headed adults, and I got caught in the crossfire. :/

    So naturally I ate McDonald's. *rolls eyes*

    Here I am. I'm not going to struggle with this, I'm just going to go on as if it never happened. I don't want to be fat anymore. Or chubby, whatever you want to call it.

    So. I'm going to go ahead and get right back on track this week. Work hard, play hard, eat bacon.

    So sorry, Lori. :disappointed:
    I had a less than ideal Mother's Day myself due to mannnnny factors.
    Just a blip. You're fine. Carry on.

    Thanks, J-dogg. You're the best at making me feel sane again. I'm sorry YOUR day wasn't ideal, either! <3

    I need you. You're my friend.
    ((HUGE HUGS))
    Weirds of a feather, weird together, Lori-Sunshine. :wink:
  • TX_Bluebonnet
    TX_Bluebonnet Posts: 244 Member
    I decided to take a rest day today. Will get back to it tomorrow. Cheers all!
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    5/15: hammer build up workout
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    5/15 Fasting since Sunday afternoon to hopefully kick my body into producing HGH ( human growth hormone). Kettle bell workout in the morning and the evening. Walk and push-ups in the afternoon.
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    I wish I could kick-start MY HGH. I'd soooo love to be 5' 6"..... *sigh*

  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    I wouldn't be so overweight if I was 5'6"! 5'8" would be ideal. HAHA.
    Alas, I have been keeping this little engine moving. Got up early this morning and did some exercise. Also completed my walk this morning. Brought my keto meatloaf for lunch. Still bouncing up and down weight wise, mostly still eating too much. Shooting for a 30 pound loss for November. Beautiful day here in New England. Enjoy the day!
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    I'm so glad for a new week!!

    Mother's Day was awful! My kids went from stubborn kids to hard headed adults, and I got caught in the crossfire. :/

    So naturally I ate McDonald's. *rolls eyes*

    Here I am. I'm not going to struggle with this, I'm just going to go on as if it never happened. I don't want to be fat anymore. Or chubby, whatever you want to call it.

    So. I'm going to go ahead and get right back on track this week. Work hard, play hard, eat bacon.

    So sorry, Lori. :disappointed:
    I had a less than ideal Mother's Day myself due to mannnnny factors.
    Just a blip. You're fine. Carry on.

    Thanks, J-dogg. You're the best at making me feel sane again. I'm sorry YOUR day wasn't ideal, either! <3

    I need you. You're my friend.
    ((HUGE HUGS))
    Weirds of a feather, weird together, Lori-Sunshine. :wink:

    Is that why I feel like you two are my Keto Lobsters?
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    And so, a new week. The gym will be a no go due to carpooling all week (kids have Dr and Dentist appointments and we're down to one car so they're riding into work with me), but I get to spend way more time with my family, so it's mentally healthy.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Cadori wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    I'm so glad for a new week!!

    Mother's Day was awful! My kids went from stubborn kids to hard headed adults, and I got caught in the crossfire. :/

    So naturally I ate McDonald's. *rolls eyes*

    Here I am. I'm not going to struggle with this, I'm just going to go on as if it never happened. I don't want to be fat anymore. Or chubby, whatever you want to call it.

    So. I'm going to go ahead and get right back on track this week. Work hard, play hard, eat bacon.

    So sorry, Lori. :disappointed:
    I had a less than ideal Mother's Day myself due to mannnnny factors.
    Just a blip. You're fine. Carry on.

    Thanks, J-dogg. You're the best at making me feel sane again. I'm sorry YOUR day wasn't ideal, either! <3

    I need you. You're my friend.
    ((HUGE HUGS))
    Weirds of a feather, weird together, Lori-Sunshine. :wink:

    Is that why I feel like you two are my Keto Lobsters?

    Ayup! :wink: Best had swimming in butter, amirite? :lol:
    Sigh...the twisted thoughts in this here brain...
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Cadori wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    I'm so glad for a new week!!

    Mother's Day was awful! My kids went from stubborn kids to hard headed adults, and I got caught in the crossfire. :/

    So naturally I ate McDonald's. *rolls eyes*

    Here I am. I'm not going to struggle with this, I'm just going to go on as if it never happened. I don't want to be fat anymore. Or chubby, whatever you want to call it.

    So. I'm going to go ahead and get right back on track this week. Work hard, play hard, eat bacon.

    So sorry, Lori. :disappointed:
    I had a less than ideal Mother's Day myself due to mannnnny factors.
    Just a blip. You're fine. Carry on.

    Thanks, J-dogg. You're the best at making me feel sane again. I'm sorry YOUR day wasn't ideal, either! <3

    I need you. You're my friend.
    ((HUGE HUGS))
    Weirds of a feather, weird together, Lori-Sunshine. :wink:

    Is that why I feel like you two are my Keto Lobsters?

    Ayup! :wink: Best had swimming in butter, amirite? :lol:
    Sigh...the twisted thoughts in this here brain...

    Ai yai don't even want to KNOW how my perverted *kitten* brain perceived that. Man I'm a freak. ;)
  • StacyChrz
    StacyChrz Posts: 865 Member
    I got back on track right away on Sunday. I wasn't even tempted by the pizza because there were 3 different protein packed salads to chose from. I didn't even snack on anything other than cheddar cheese. That's got to be the first time I've left a family party and didn't feel like I needed to be rolled out to the car. I also took a walk when I got home to help burn off some of the extra peanut butter I had eaten early in the morning, lol.
    Yesterday was a rest day and my eating was terrific, I even ended up well under my calorie goal and felt satisfied. Today I've already taken a walk at lunch and am planning another one before dinner. Keep it moving my Motivated Friends!!