Break Through the Wall Challenge April 3rd - July 16th

This is a 15 week challenge to drop and firm. let's not focus on a number, let's focus on what we are putting in our bodies and how we are working them out. If you drop 20, thats wonderful, if you drop less, no shame as long as you keep the faith, stay on track, eat healthy and work hard. All of our bodies are different and process differently. Some of us are fast at dropping and others of us are turtles. Let's just focus on how we are going to get there, not when. Mini challenges will include some hardcore kick-starts. Be prepared to sweat, eat clean and hydrate. Of course mini challenges are optional but we should always try to challenge ourselves! Hope you will come on board!
Owner: kayjosh2422Leaders: kayjosh2422Created on March 27, 201727 membersPrivacy: Public



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