They Came

PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
edited October 2014 in Social Groups
Well the new cloths came, finely. But sadly the shirts don't fit. I measured and everything and the chest size is fine, but my stomach is having none of it. Sigh...
Not sure If i will send them back or keep them for the one magical day my belly decides to cooperate.

The pants fit fine, actually a little looser then i meant but they aren't "fit another person in their" big like the old pairs.

So still waiting to get rid of the old cloths till I resolve the shirt issue, but i finely have some cloths that fit my new body.


  • wennim
    wennim Posts: 276 Member
    I will never understand why even when you take measurements things don't always seem to work. I bet it feels good to have pants that fit though. How bad are the shirts? I know I am having a hard time wearing clothes that actually fit because I had been wearing ones that were so baggy for so long that even though they look good they feel tight to me.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Don't know where this message disappeared to, but I'm sad for you, Patrick. I'm very disproportionate, too, so buying things online where I'm not already familiar with the brand/line are frustrating. I think it is up to you how you go about procuring shirts. I'd say based on how many/how much is how I'd proceed. If it is a bigger pain to return them, I'd probably keep them, knowing I'll use them eventually. If the pocketbook dent is too much to buy the size I apparently actually need, I'd return them... Good luck

    Wennim, I'm similar... I can't wear my 4X's at all anymore unless they are a snuggish neck. They gap and show too much. I have some 1X's I wear. But the smaller stuff does feel constrictive...guess I'll get used to it again. Worst is my pants. Too tight when sitting down is comfy standing. Comfy sitting is almost falling down standing up. Belts cut in over edge of jeans due to my fat rolls and waist, etc. So so not happening... Can't do elastic waists anymore, because it makes my pockets game and look like I've stuffed sausage in the wrong casing... MEH
  • carostad
    carostad Posts: 161
    Clothes are the poop. I don't think I'll ever be a "normal" size. I'm definitely a size smaller in shirts than in pants, although even that isn't reliable. I just bought some new shirts a size down and I'm terrified to wear them. I have a really curvy figure, and after years and years of wearing baggy loose clothing, I feel very uncomfortable with my waistline accentuated and my boobs on display. I know I look better, but it just doesn't feel good. I feel like a whiner complaining about that, but it's so unnatural for me. I used to love feeling and looking sexy, but I have a hard time feeling like I'm not playing dress up and people are thinking "look at that fat lady acting like she looks good". Definitely got some self esteem issues to work on there.

    Patrick, are you keeping the pants? If they're too big, can you go down another size? I'm sure the shirts will work for you soon. How snug is snug?

  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Caroline I can totally relate to that. I look in the mirror when I wear anything fitted and not baggy and think I look like a sausage about to burst out of its skin. And I own a hoody, a nurse humor one that says 'Cute enough to stop your heart, skilled enough to restart it' and I feel like I need to apologise for the irony every time I wear it
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Hi Everyone, cloths shopping is a bit of the pits. Sizes are all over the place.

    The only good bit I can take for it is when I went to one of the big and tall online stores I bought my last batch from I was too small for them. My size was still listed on the chart but were the first sizes listed and they were all out of stock, so I guess I can take some comfort in that.

    The pants are good, I think the next size down would be to tight so I will keep these and wear them with a belt.

    The shirts are just too tight and badly fitting and I have a feeling that by the time they fit my stomach the chest size will have gone down even more. So I will send them back and make my way to a store to actually try some on.